Here it is, after a long journey the final film . . .    

  • A small screening on the isle of Rum

    I haven’t posted for a while but I thought I would report back on a lovely screening of the film we had on the Isle of Rum on Friday evening. It was somehow fitting to screen on Rum as the island occasionally features on the film just over my left shoulder. The screening was really…

  • Time by Sam Spreckley

    I thought I would share this lovely short film called Time by Sam Spreckly also showing at the Royal Scottish Academy Annual Exhibition in the same programme as Stay the Same. It captivated us at the private view and I could watch it over and over . . <p><a href=”http://vimeo.com/70490735″>T i m e</a> from <a…

  • Some reflections

    I have been meaning to write for a while and reflect on the whole experience of finishing and showing this Stay the Same. I really enjoyed updating this blog and keeping a diary during the filming, but chose not to do this during the edit because listening to ones instincts becomes much harder if there…

  • Stay the Same at the Royal Scottish Academy

    I though I would share the news Stay the Same will be part of the Royal Scottish Academy Annual Exhibition which opens next week on 29th April until 4th May 2014. The theme of the exhibition this year is ‘Focus on Film’, as a survey of Scottish art involving the moving image. The exhibition will…

  • Stay the Same wins Award at European Premiere

    Stay the Same had its European Premiere this weekend at the 27th Stuttgart Filmwinter which showcases artists film, video and new media from around the world and won the Wand 5 Honorary Prize for Concept and Design chosen by the festival selection panel as their favourite film (the other prizes were decided by outside jury). …

  • A review from Sight and Sound

    Stay the Same is currently screening (last night and tonight) at the London Short Film Festival and Sight and Sound magazine have very generously selected it in the 11 films to see at the festival. This is what they had to say: “Filmmaker Sam Firth filmed herself in the exact same spot at precisely the…

  • A review from Film4

    I thought I would share another review of Stay the Same written for the film4 blog by Simran Hans which is a lovely description of the film.  She writes . . “While it was composer Fraya Thomsen who was nominated by Underwire (and won) for the stirring music she wrote to accompany Sam Firth’s Stay…

  • A lovely evening at Swedenborg House

    On Friday night I was at the Swedenborg Short film festival which was a really nice evening. There were some really interesting films about our relationship with nature, existentialism and mysticism and the soul and I will definitely be going back to the festival. Stay the Same got a special commendation from the festival in…

  • Stay the Same gets its first Award!

    Great news! Fraya Thomsen has won the Best Composer category at the Underwire Film Festival yesterday, which we were both a bit emotional about. Fraya worked incredibly hard on the score, which is integral to the film and created such a beautiful pieceof music the award was well deserved. Fraya wins some mentoring with a…

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